Actphast4R Launchpad

Eindhoven, The Netherlands
8 November 2023
Actphast4R Programme
ACTPHAST4 Researchers in partnership with Tech Tour is launching the Actphast4R Launchpad Programme that will bring together 12 projects, spin-offs or companies selected from the ACTPHAST4Researchers action line with top investment experts to provide participating researchers with dedicated investment-readiness coaching support as well as give opportunity to pitch their innovations to and meet with leading investors at the annual Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum (Eindhoven – 8 November 2023)
Benefits for participating projects, spin-offs and companies:
Advice and guidance from top investment experts – Expert-led investment-readiness coaching support (online coaching sessions held in Sept-Oct 2023) to improve the investor proposition and pitch and be ready to present in front of investors – In a collaborative and effective way.
Pitch in front of and meet with leading investors – Attendance at the Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum in Eindhoven on 8 Nov 2023 to pitch your innovation and have one-to-one meetings with investors.
Peer networking with leading researchers, entrepreneurs, experts and investors in the European photonics ecosystem
Free-of-charge Profile exposure through the ACTPHAST4R website and the Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum website
Launchpad programme, sessions & timeline
The Actphast4R Launchpad programme entails the following sessions and activities:
Online kick-off & briefing session (19 July 2023, 15:00 – 17:00 CET): All together gathering online to brief about the Actphast4R Launchpad programme, know each other and brief about next steps
Launchpad programme website & participants profiles: selected projects, spin-offs and companies as well as mentors prepare and upload/update their profile and pitch deck on the programme website and the Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum website for exposure
Grouping and mentors allocation: Forming groups each with 4 selected projects, spin-offs, companies and allocating 2 mentors to each group
Online Investors insights session: to raise investor readiness and understand how to prepare an investment proposition
Online Pitching Academy collaborative session for each group where each project, spin-off or company presents its investor proposition, elevator pitch and pitch and receives feedback from the mentors and other companies to enhance the investment proposition, readiness and potential
Online Pitch Dry-Run session: prior to the Tech Tour Photonics, projects, spin-offs and companies present their pitch deck in online pitch dry-run sessions in front of a panel of coaches/experts in the same format than at the TT Photonics and receive feedback for final improvements of their pitch
Tech Tour Photonics (8 November): The selected and prepared projects/spin-offs/companies will be invited and given access to the Tech Tour Photonics where they will pitch their investment and partnering needs in front of leading investors and partners at dedicated sessions
Pre-set One2One meetings with investors: The selected and prepared projects/spin-offs/companies will be supported to set up one-2-one meetings with investors, partners and other participants of the Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum
To fully benefit from the Actphast4R Launchpad programme, the selected projects, spin-offs and companies should prepare for the sessions, participate in the sessions and take part in the Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum. The time commitment is estimated to 1 day of preparation work and 2 days of participation time across the programme including the participation in the Tech Tour Photonics Venture Forum on November 8. (excluding travel time).

Your participation in tech ACTPHAST4R Launchpad programme is free. We advise that several members from the participating companies’ management teams join and benefit from the programme. The participation in the online sessions is free for all representatives. Free participation in the Tech Tour Venture Forum is limited to one representative (travel costs have to be supported by the participants themselves). Should additional representatives wish to also participate in the Tech Tour Venture Forum, fees to cover the costs for their participation will apply (estimated to 195 Euros per additional representative).