France Transfer Invest 2023

Paris, France
1-2 June 2023

Meet the France spin off game-changers in Biotech, Healthtech, Digital and Greentech

This year Bpifrance and Tech Tour will host the 7th edition of the the France Transfer Invest, at the Bpifrance headquarters in Paris.

In short:

  • Investment and partnership: 40 selected French technology transfer spin-offs companies;
  • +60 investors, corporate representatives and stakeholders active as Selcetion Panel and Expert Jury members;
  • Innovation in the field of Biotech, Healthtech, Digital and Greentech
  • Programme with 10 online sessions or services for selection, strategy, meetings and recognition;
  • Selection or invitation-only for the best entrepreneurs and most active investors, corporations and governmental experts.

Event Highlights


Selected French Spin-Offs

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Tech Tracks

Tech Tracks

Entrepreneurs, investors and stakeholders of the innovation sectors will have a unique opportunity to scout and network over 2 days including:

  • Networking dinner with keynotes and companies elevator pitches
  • Sector-focused pitching sessions
  • One2One Meetings
  • Networking opportunities.

The programme is supported by Bpifrance, France’s national development bank and innovation agency, in collaboration with seven French government bodies:

  • Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation at the service of the State and communities. It promotes innovation in the territories, and develops partnerships with communities and businesses.
  • Inserm-Transfert: As a private subsidiary of Inserm, Inserm Transfert manages economic and societal value creation and the transfer of knowledge from Inserm research laboratories to companies contributing to promote human health innovation.
  • Institut Pasteur: The Institut Pasteur is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases, primarily infectious, through research, innovation, education, and public health actions.
    SATT: French private TTOs, shared between several public research organizations, created to develop and commercialize research results to be transformed into innovative products.

Top Presenters

We are pleased to announce the Top Presenters of the France Transfer Invest 2023. Congratulations! We would like to congratulate all the companies for their efforts and outstanding pitching performance throughout the Programme.

Alain Fanet
BONDZAI (France)

Sam Dukan

Xavier Boidevezi
President co-founder
EktaH (France)

Sylvain Piquet
Five Lives (France)

Jean-Philippe Gibaud
GEOLITH (France)

Frédéric Caroff
HEPHAISTOS-Pharma (France)

Todor Jeliaskov
President & CEO
inHEART (France)

Fabrice Paublant
CEO and co-founder
Orixha (France)

Raouf Medimagh
Recyc’Elit (France)

Olivier Gillot
Finance Department In charge of fund raising
Sakowin (France)

Hosts & Partners