Bio-based Industries 2023

Wuppertal, Germany
15-16 November 2023
Meet the top 36 game-changers in Bio-based Industries
The Bio-based Industries 2023 Programme will take place in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s largest region
The event features multiple rounds of live and online sessions where key players along the bio-based industries sectors will have access to prominent SMEs and corporations (seeking strategic funding and partnerships for the growth and deployment of their technologies and production processes)
- Meet 36 prominent bio-based small -and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and corporate specialists, and the most active invited-only investors, financiers, government agencies, clusters and advisors
- Interact on your opportunity and gain valuable contacts, insights, meetings and peer recognition
- Benefit of the digital platform and (online/live) event sessions of an invitation-only collaborative network
Tech Tracks

Bio-based chemicals
and materials

Forestry and pulp & paper, based products

and marine

Biowaste valorization

Waste management and treatment

Recycling and
circular models
Call for applications
20 April – 4 September 2023
Selection reviews
5 - 26 September 2023
Company selection announced
5 October 2023
Entrepreneurs Kick-off
10 October 2023
Online Project Academy
17-18 October 2023
Event in wUPPERTAL
15-16 November 2023