

Presenting Company


Application is FREE

Applications deadline now extended to:
13 September 2024



  • Review and selection by Selection Panel of active investors
  • Recognition as a Selected Company
  • Two pitching opportunities
  • One2one meetings
  • Insights into the Sector’s strategies


  * The application is free of charge for all companies.
** For selected companies the event pass will be at a special rate of EUR 200.

Space & Security Seminar


200 EUR

Registration deadline:
23 September 2024


Agenda & Topics:

  • Date: 23 October 2024
  • Agenda: 15:30 - 20:00 CET
  • Strategic capabilities & potential of Space & Defence
  • Space companies consider Norway for their next big move
  • Politics & Geopolitics in the Arctic Region
  • Special rate payable by invoice only

Andøya Spaceport Visit


400 EUR

Registration deadline:
23 September 2024



  • Date: 24 October 2024
  • Agenda: 10:00 - 18:00 CET
  • One day trip to Andøya island + airport transfers
  • Charter flight: Bodø - Andøya - Bodø
  • Guided tour onsite
  • All visitors are subject to security clearance
  • Special rate payable by invoice only

General Pass


200 EUR

Registration deadline:
18 October 2024



  • Access to the event programme on 25 October + networking dinner on 24 October
  • Efficiently explore potential opportunities for cooperation through one2one meetings with all 100+ participants
  • Immerse yourself in dynamic discussions and keynote speeches led by industry experts
  • All-inclusive catering



Registration deadline:
 18 October 2024




By using this registration option you confirm your interest to attend the event in Bodø.

We will be in touch shortly with more details on our ticket policy.




For more information about registration options please contact Natalia Natcheva at