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The COVID-19 crisis is a challenging period for many individuals around the world – both in their professional and personal lives.

The crisis has had its impact on healthcare start-ups in Europe. Due to it, start-ups have been pivoting and doing their best to serve their patients, providers, payers, and healthcare systems they currently work within.

Their aim? To bring support for the most vulnerable populations. Despite that they’re doing their best by pivoting their existing resources to collectively fight against COVID, they need extra support to be able to help alleviate the current situation.

That’s where Bayer G4A comes in. It’s a company that supports early- and late-stage healthcare start-ups.

How Does Bayer G4A Help Healthcare Start-Ups

“We continue to support and partner with integrated digital health companies to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in healthcare for some of our most vulnerable populations,” shares a representative of the G4A Team.

In 2020, the company wants to focus on finding the right partners to positively and sustainably impact the health outcomes for patients over the long-term. Bayer G4A aims to do that by reducing inefficiencies in care, which they anticipate will have a large health economic impact for the overall healthcare industry.

Challenges and Expectations in 2020

“We are trying to address 9 healthcare challenges this year, which are in the area of cardio-metabolic and renal diseases, women's health, oncology, and pharmacovigilence,” says the G4A team.

Through their challenges, Bayer G4A are trying to deal with a range of healthcare needs with the goal to improve health outcomes by working digital health companies.

“In 2020, we are looking forward to continuing our work with digital health companies to address the 9 challenges. As we close our application period, we will move into due diligence phase to select the G4A finalists for 2020,” shares a team representative.

Depending on the circumstances, Bayer G4A would adapt their engagement approach and rely on virtual engagements. They look forward to hearing from digital health innovators.

Planned Investments and Lessons Learnt

Bayer G4A are looking to invest into early- and late-stage companies that fit their strategic focus areas for integrated care solutions, which can be found on

“We have learned to adapt, be flexible, and continue to do what we can to support the ecosystem of digital health. We are already seeing the adoption of digital health increase during these times, which truly goes to show that digital health has now become a necessity during the most pressing times,” concludes the G4A Team